
Code Quality - Practices and Metrics

1. What is cyclomatic/McCabe complexity?

Cyclomatic complexity measures the number of times you must execute a block of code with varying parameters in order to execute every path through that block. A higher count is bad because it increases the chances for logical errors escaping your testing strategy.

2. What are some examples of anti-patterns?

3. Who are the Gang of Four? Why should you care?

4. You have just been put in charge of a legacy code project with maintainability problems. What kind of things would you look to improve to get the project on a stable footing?

5. Explain the concept of convention over configuration, and talk about an example of convention over configuration you have seen in the wild

6. What is an idempotent operation?

In computing, an idempotent operation is one that has no additional effect if it is called more than once with the same input parameters.

Bonus: Which HTTP Verbs are idempotent? What is a safe http verb? Which are safe?

7. What is the differences between Mocks and Stubs/Fakes and where you might use them?

8. What is Continuos Integration? And what about Continuos Deployment? And Continuos Delivery?

9. What is meant by a sandbox, why you would use one, and identify examples of sandboxes in the wild?

10. What Source Control systems have you worked with?

11. Describe a software development life cycle

12. How do you react to people criticizing your code/documents?

13. Explain the differences between stateless and stateful systems, and impacts of state on parallelism

14. Discuss the concept of YAGNI and explain something you did recently that adhered to this practice

15. What is Refactoring ? Have you used it and it is important? Name three common refactorings

16. What value do daily builds, automated testing, and peer reviews add to a project? What disadvantages are there?

17. When do you know your code is ready for production?

18. What is TDD? And what about BDD?

19. What is logging and why do we use it?

20. How would you decide if a library should be included in the project or not?

There are multiple of criteria for adding an additional library to a project: