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Teodor Ivanov Kurtev - Curriculum Vitae(CV)


LinkedIn: @teodorkurtev

GitHub: @Teodor92

StackOverflow: @teodor-kurtev


Building high quality front-end and back-end solution for variety of business problems, using the JavaScript/TypeScript/Node.js, .NET and GoLang stacks.

Work Experience

Moteefe - Senior Software Engineer - Remote - January 2022 - Present

As part of Moteefes’ tech team, I was involved in:

SoftUni - Part-time Lecturer - Sofia, Bulgaria - May 2020 - Present

As a lecturer I take part in several courses organized by SoftUni like Programing Basics and Programing Fundamentals.

News UK - Lead Software Engineer - Sofia, Bulgaria - August 2020 - January 2022

I am part of the MAIN Technology Group, that deals with Monetization, Access and Identity. The majority of my work includes developing new capabilities for project using GoLang and AWS for Infrastructure, researching new solutions and collaborating with stakeholders, helping with recruitment and more.

Synchronoss Technologies - Lead Software Engineer - Sofia, Bulgaria - October 2017 - August 2020

As a Lead Software Engineer, my duties included:

Independent Contractor - Software Engineer - September 2011 - Now

Building variety of application using .NET, JavaScript/TypeScript/Node.js, and Python. Although most of my work has been focused on the web domain, I do take on projects for mobile and desktop applications. My work includes:

Software Improvement Group(SIG) - Software Engineer/Researcher - Amsterdam, The Netherlands - January 2017 - August 2017

My work consisted of:

EPAM - Software Engineer - Sofia, Bulgaria - March 2016 - August 2016

During my work here:

SBTech - Software Engineer - Sofia, Bulgaria - January 2015 - August 2015

During my stay at the company, I was part of various project and activities:

Software University - Software Engineer - Sofia, Bulgaria - October 2013 - February 2015

As the first developer at Software University - I was tasked with designing, developing and testing the core modules for the Software University Learning System (SULS). The work included:

Telerik Academy - Trainee Software Engineer - Sofia, Bulgaria - September 2011 - October 2013

A fast paced introduction to software development, including


MSc Software Engineering - University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam, The Netherlands - 5.9/6 GPA

BSc Business Informatics - University of National and World Economy - Sofia, Bulgaria - 5.5/6 GPA

Practical Software Engineer - Telerik Academy - Sofia, Bulgaria - Graduated with excellence

Entrepreneurship - 9 Academy - Sofia, Bulgaria

A practical program that revolves around entrepreneurship, marketing, strategy, PR, HR and other aspects of a successful business organization.


MEAN Stack

JavaScript ES6+, TypeScript, Angular 2+, React, Next.js, Nest.js, RxJS, NgRx, Express, MongoDB, Mongoose, lodash, JQuery, KendoUI, NPM, ESLint/TSLint, HTML, CSS, Jasmine, Chai, Mocha, Sinon, Karma, Jest, etc.

GoLang Stack

GoLang, echo, go-jet, ginko, gomega, logrus, zap, etc.

Infrastructure, Databases, Storage and Standards

Amazon Web Services (Lambda, ECR, SQS, SNS, SES, etc.), Docker, MySQL/MariaDB, Microsoft SQL Server, MongoDB, Redis, Consul, SQL, T-SQL, XML, JSON, JSON Schema, OpenAPI, OAuht2, OIDC.

Computer Science Concepts

Object Oriented Programming and Design, Functional Programming, Design Patterns, High Quality Code, Code Smells and Refactoring, Software Craftsmanship, Data Structures and Algorithms.

Dev Tools

Atlassian tools (JIRA, Confluence, BitBucket, HipChat, Bamboo), CI Tools(Jenkins, CircleCI, AppVeyor), Git, SVN, TFS, GitLab, GitHub, Travis.

.NET Stack

C#, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET WebAPI, ASP.NET SignalR, ASP.NET Core, LINQ, ADO.NET, Entity Framework, Entity Framework Core, Roslyn, MEF, Visual Studio Add-on Development, NugGet, xUnit, NUnit, MSUnit, KendoUI MVC, WPF, WCF, ASP.NET WebForms, WinForms, Windows Services, StyleCop, FxCop.

Soft Skills

Self-motivation, Teamwork, Creativity, Communication, Decision Making, Time Management, Conflict Resolution, Leadership, Adaptability, Agile Methodologies.

Volunteer Work

Mentor the Young - Mentor - Sofia, Bulgaria

Sharing knowledge and experience, while helping young professionals with projects that influence their personal development and work skills.

ABLE - Mentor - Sofia, Bulgaria

Sharing knowledge and experience, while helping students with projects that influence their personal development.

Telerik Academy - Mentor - Sofia, Bulgaria

I was in charge of providing technical and career help to a group of mentees that were part of the Telerik Academy Alpha.

Software University Foundation - Technical Writer - Sofia, Bulgaria

Wrote several chapters for the ‘Introduction to Programming’ books published by the Software University Foundation.

EPAM - Lecturer and Assistant - Sofia, Bulgaria

Took part in the in-house developers trainings in various topics like Git, Pair programming, Git-Flow, T-SQL, Stored procedures, etc.

Software University - Lecturer and Assistant - Sofia, Bulgaria

I took part in the introductory courses in Java, C#, Web Fundamentals and Teamwork and Collaboration as a volunteer lecturer and assistant.

Telerik Academy - Lecturer and Assistant - Sofia, Bulgaria

I helped with the organizations of the C# Part 2 Workshops and assisted the students if they needed any help. Additionally, I was involved as an assistant in several of the C# and Web courses.